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Explore October 2008

  • Reformation Day Symposium – 2008 Edition

    Today is Reformation Day–the 491st anniversary of the day Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the door of Wittenberg’s Schlosskirke. That small act triggered a series of events that forever changed the world. It stands as one of the most important events in all of history–though an event that has been largely forgotten. Today…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (10/31)

    Deals removed because pricing no longer in effect. Give your Pastor the WORLDWORLD magazine is offering a special to pastors. “To help your work in ministry, thoughtful donors have made it possible for us to offer you 6 full months of WORLD Magazine absolutely free.” Richard Dawkins and Harry Potter“Harry Potter has become the latest…

  • Book Reviews Collection cover image

    Book Review – The Prodigal God by Tim Keller

    After the publication of The Reason for God, Newsweek hailed Tim Keller as “a C.S. Lewis for the twenty-first century.” That is a lofty comparison and one I’m sure must make Keller quite uncomfortable. Yet at some level the comparisons are becoming undeniable. Keller’s ability to communicate to believers and unbelievers alike and to do…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (10/30)

    Deal of the Day: Reformation HeroesHere’s a new feature for A La Carte–the deal of the day. I’ll be working with a variety of retailers to try to work out some special deals for the readers of this site. Today Reformation Heritage Books is offering the excellent illustrated children’s book Reformation Heroes for a mere…

  • Reading Classics Together Collection cover image

    Reading Classics – The Religious Affections (XIV)

    Today we are supposed to continue with our reading of Jonathan Edwards’ The Religious Affections. Unfortunately my week was such that I did not manage to get through the whole reading. Thus I am going to defer this until Saturday. I do apologize. However, if you have read the chapter and have something to say…

  • I Love You This Much

    Last week I spent an evening reading Rick Warren’s soon-to-be-published book The Purpose of Christmas. It is a mostly-original work that, while it draws heavily from The Purpose Driven Life is at least not entirely derived from it. An evangelistic gift book, it is meant to be given as a Christmas gift. I have written…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (10/29)

    Living on LessCanada’s McLeans magazine looks at frugality for a new generation. “But even beyond a deep economic recession, there are signs that meaningful social change is brewing. As environmental fears push us from Hummers to hybrids, and a younger, tech-savvy generation rebels against the “Bigger is Better” boomer mantra, a long-overdue cultural shift could…

  • Book Reviews Collection cover image

    Christless Christianity

    It is no small thing to take upon oneself the name Christian. Though it was first used as a form of derision when unbelievers mocked the “little Christs,” the name was embraced by the earliest believers. The term, even when used mockingly, nicely encapsulated what they sought to do, namely, to imitate their Lord and…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (10/28)

    William P. Young RespondsIn an interview with the Christian Post, the author of The Shack responds to critics of his book. “‘These men do not know me at all,’ he said of critics such as Mohler, Challies, and Mark Driscoll, pastor of Mars Hill Church in Seattle who Young said had not even read the…

  • The Badder the Bad…

    Over the weekend I read Michael Horton’s new book Christless Christianity. I greatly enjoyed reading it (despite chapters that were slightly longer than my attention span) and found that it gave me a lot to think about. A few days earlier I had read a new book by Rick Warren, The Purpose of Christmas. What…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (10/27)

    Free SpurgeonThis month’s free download for ChristianAudio is All of Grace by C.H. Spurgeon. It is yours for the taking. Visualizing Uncle Sam’s tries to make sense of it. “Below are the top seven foreign lenders, visualized as credit cards, while the image at the top shows the total of foreign lending. All numbers…

  • The Love of God

    Earlier today I was thinking about my favorite hymn lyrics (not hymns overall-just particular lyrics). I think my all-time favorite is and remains the final stanza of “And Can it Be?” The last two lines just grip my soul every time I sing them: No condemnation now I dread;Jesus, and all in Him, is mine;Alive…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    What’s Oprah Ever Done For You?

    Apparently Oprah loves Amazon’s Kindle reading device. She loves it so much that she featured it on her show. Amazon responded by whipping up a coupon code which will remove $50 from the price of the Kindle should you decide to order one (something they, for some reason, chose not to do when I reviewed…

  • The Third Annual Reformation Day Symposium

    October 31, one week from today, will mark the 491st anniversary of the day that Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the door of the church at Wittenburg. In so doing he struck a match, beginning a fire that quickly spread throughout Europe and throughout the world. Having become increasingly disillusioned with the doctrine…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (10/24)

    New Piper BookYou probably don’t know that Piper has a new book called This Momentary Marriage. I don’t quite know what’s going on, but it seems that it’s available now on the Desiring God site (to buy or to download in full for free) and that another edition will be published by Crossway in the…

  • Reading Classics Together Collection cover image

    Like Kindling a Flame

    Don’t tune out just because this is about Jonathan Edwards. For the second time in this round of “Reading Classics” I want to withhold comment and just leave readers with some of Edwards’ wisdom. In this week’s reading he has been suggesting that a “great and very distinguishing difference between gracious affections and others is,…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (10/23)

    Climate RevoltI found this story very interesting. “To prevent a financial crisis from turning into an economic calamity, the European Union has pulled the emergency brake on green policies.” So just how important are green policies if they are the first thing to go in times of crisis? Why Women Are Weaker Than MenGerald Hiestand:…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    The Moral High Ground

    Yesterday I received an interesting email from a reader of this site. He had a question about abortion and, specifically, about abortion in the case of incest and rape. Here is an excerpt of his question: We’re not living in a theocratic nation like the Old Testament Israel. Whether we like it or not, we’re…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (10/22)

    Advent Songs For Free(ish)Sojourn’s Advent Songs album is now available on NoiseTrade. You can pay what you want or get it for free by telling five friends about it. There are a some great tracks on the album! What’s the Best Way to Go Bald?I post this link for the benefit of some of my…

  • Book Reviews Collection cover image

    5 Things Every Christian Needs to Grow

    5 Things Every Christian Needs to Grow is a book about Christians and farming. R.C. Sproul suggests five things that every Christian needs to grow–barley, wheat, corn… OK, I’m just kidding. But don’t you think the strangely ambiguous title could fit such a book? In reality, 5 Things Every Christian Needs to Grow is a…