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Explore March 2024

  • Amateur Astronomer

    Have You Become an Amateur Astronomer?

    Sam Storms once said that each human being is under a mandate to become an amateur astronomer. Every Christian is to look to the heavens to see what God has created and to learn the lessons he means for us to learn. And just as we must look up to the skies, we must also…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    Weekend A La Carte (March 30)

    A La Carte: What happens when half of your opponents in a women’s soccer match are men? / Do nine out of ten churched students actually drop out of church after high school? / The genius of the church at the turn of the age / Seventh year sabbath / An overlooked argument for the…

  • Are We Living in the Last Days

    Are We Living in the Last Days?

    The world is a mess. The world is a mess and seems to be getting messier. I could draw up an inventory of all the wars and conflicts, the diseases and disasters, the rise of immorality and decline of virtue, but that would be to tell you what you have already observed and already know.…

  • A La Carte Friday 2

    A La Carte (March 29)

    A La Carte: How to protect your kids from sexual abuse / Talk to God about what hurts / How’s your Bible reading plan going? / Resentment between men and women in the church / and more.

  • A Batch of New Books for Kids

    A Batch of New Books for Kids (and Teens)

    Every month I put together a roundup of new and notable books for grownup readers. But I also receive a lot of books for kids and like to put together the occasional roundup of these books as well. So today I bring you a whole big batch of new books for kids of all ages…

  • A La Carte Thursday 1

    A La Carte (March 28)

    A La Carte: The case against the abortion pill / What I’ve learned about grieving with hope / Heartbreaking deception: teen girls, social media, and body image / Could podcasts save the church from stupidity? / Count it all joy / and more.

  • What God Wants You To Forget

    What God Wants You To Forget

    We are never far from reminding God of our credentials, of providing him with a curriculum vitae that lays out all we are, all we have been through, and all we have accomplished for his sake. We are never far from making the subtle turn from grace to merit, from what is freely given to…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (March 27)

    A La Carte: New music / Millennials and GenZ / Scotland’s new hate crime law / Cate Blanchett, Easter is for you / Why the Reformed pray for revival / What truly happened to Jesus on the cross? / and more.

  • New and Notable Books

    New and Notable Christian Books for March 2024

    As you know, I like to do my best to sort through the new Christian books that are released each month to see what stands out as being not only new, but also particularly notable. I received quite a number of new titles in March and narrowed the list down to the ones below. I…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (March 26)

    A La Carte: God delivers from the suffering he ordains / The beautiful partnership of family and church / The end of religious liberty / On whales, menopause, and thanks to God / Ordinary women, extravagant gifts / and more.

  • Marriage: A Dance of Beauty and Chaos

    This sponsored post was provided by Burke Care, and written by Jen Arend, which invites you to schedule care today with a certified biblical counselor. As the music swells, she begins her descent down the aisle. All eyes are on her, especially her groom. She is radiant, majestic, and filled with beauty. Her gaze meets his tear-filled…

  • Does God Care How You Cook Your Goat?

    Does God Care How You Cook Your Goat?

    It is one of those biblical commands that has always perplexed me. If it appeared just one time in Scripture I might be tempted to pass it by. But it appears no less than three times, in Exodus 23:19, Exodus 34:26, and Deuteronomy 14:21. The repetition tells me that God is quite concerned that his…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (March 25)

    A La Carte: The oddities of collective names / It’s you. Hi. You’re the problem. It’s you. / A royal lesson from the rumor mill from the Princess of Wales / Pastoring is tortoise work / The island of lost boys / What must the label ‘evangelical’ do to be saved? / Kindle deals /…

  • God Graciously Condescends

    God Graciously Condescends

    God has graciously chosen to initiate relationship with human beings who, left to themselves, deny his power and even his very existence. He does this through revelation—through revealing himself to us.

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    Weekend A La Carte (March 23)

    A La Carte: Feminine emotionalism and the evangelical conscience / An offer you can’t refuse / The love chapter reimagined / Might will not make right / Six responsibilities for the elders of every church / Kindle deals / and more.

  • Free Stuff Fridays (P&R Publishing)

    This week’s Free Stuff Friday is sponsored by P&R Publishing. They are offering Perfect Unity: A Guide for Christian Doctrine and Life to 10 winners. The world is tearing itself apart over identity politics. What is the answer? Recognizing that two things can be distinct yet inseparable.  This concept—rooted in the writings of Augustine, John Calvin, and others—is…

  • Gospel Generosity

    Gospel Generosity

    There are certain categories of books that you can read once and never return to—you read a single title on that subject and it tells you all you ever need to know about it. But there are other categories of books that you need to return to on a regular basis. In my experience, that…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (March 22)

    A La Carte: Taylor Swift, Coldplay, and performative offense / Being human on World Down Syndrome Day / The introvert / On nostalgia / Aspire to be relentlessly interesting / and more.

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (March 21)

    A La Carte: Where do human rights come from? / Individualism and the churches / The urgency of the many / What should I be giving financially? / Should rich Christians downgrade their lifestyle? / Teaching children / and more.

  • One of the Most Urgent Biblical Commands for Our Day

    One of the Most Urgent Biblical Commands for Our Day

    One of the most urgent biblical commands for our day—and perhaps for any day—is to speak the truth in love. Different people at different times tend to overemphasize one of the two factors and underemphasize the other so that some lean away from truth while others lean away from love. But the Lord expects that…