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A La Carte (March 26)

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The God of love and peace be with you.

I dug up a nice little list of Kindle deals for today.

(Yesterday on the blog: Does God Care How You Cook Your Goat?)

God Delivers From the Suffering He Ordains

This is a good one from John Piper. “I think we should think this way: If God does not have the power or the wisdom or the right or the love to restrain deadly natural forces or hostile human forces or destructive satanic forces — if he doesn’t have the wherewithal to restrain them from hurting you — on what basis are you going to count on him to give you endurance in sufferings, or to give you relief from the suffering in this life, or to give you final happiness in the age to come?”

The Beautiful Partnership of Family and Church

Casey McCall explains his church’s “Parent-Congregational Prayer Covenant” and then explains “two errors in how families view the church.”

The End of Religious Liberty

Jason G. Duesing: “Are we seeing the end of religious liberty? For Christians in America, we see the complexities of cultural engagement. Articulating the truths of biblical Christianity regarding sexuality and gender alone, brings conflict or worse. So, it is good and right to be concerned and wonder if the end of religious liberty is near.”

On Whales, Menopause, and Thanks to God

“Have you ever thought to yourself, ‘I wonder how many mammals go through menopause?’ I certainly hadn’t—up until last week.” I think some of you will be encouraged by Rebekah’s thoughts.

Ordinary Women, Extravagant Gifts

“As we ponder the depth of Jesus’ sacrifice throughout Holy Week, consider anew how valuable that gift is and worship him in response. Like the woman with the oil and the widow with the pennies, this looks different for each of us.”

The Dead Sea Scrolls, the Book of Esther, and the Argument from Silence

Michael Kruger discusses the development of the New Testament canon and the challenges of drawing conclusions from silence in historical texts. It’s more interesting than that description!

Flashback: What Counts as a “Gospel Issue?”

I want to ensure I’m not labeling my pet doctrine a gospel issue simply as a means to prevail in arguments. After all, if everything’s a gospel issue, I guess nothing’s a gospel issue.

The Christian’s heart understands the atonement better than the Christian’s head. It is a difficult doctrine for the brain, but a sweet and simple one to the affections.

—Theodore Cuyler

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