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A La Carte (March 21)

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May the Lord be with you and bless you on this fine day.

(Yesterday on the blog: One of the Most Urgent Biblical Commands for Our Day)

Where Do Human Rights Come From?

Randy Alcorn considers the source of human rights and explains why it is so important that we get the matter correct.

Individualism and the Churches

John Benton explains how some of the alarming trends we see within the church can be explained by society’s obsession with individualism.

The Urgency of the Many

“How many people does it take to move the hand of God? I believe the answer is one. Anyone extra is icing on the cake.” This matters when it comes to prayer during times of sorrow or distress.

What Should I Be Giving to Financially?

“While we cannot single-handedly be aware of every person and every need in the world, it should be a great encouragement to us to know that God is! And while God is certainly not limited to our meager gift-drops to supply the ocean of worldwide needs, he is able to take our individual, sack-lunch gifts and multiply them into a collective provision for the physically and spiritually hungry and weak and poor.”

Should Rich Christians Downgrade Their Lifestyle?

This video from SBTS nicely complements the previous article.

“I’m So Happy! I’m Going to Teach Children!”

Here are some encouraging thoughts for Christians who have the privilege of teaching children.

Flashback: When “All Things” Don’t Feel So Good

We need to have confidence that he is doing what’s right and best according to his inscrutable wisdom, that he is doing what most conforms his people to the image of his Son and what most honors and glorifies his holy name. We need to depend upon it, bank all we’ve got on it, go all-in on it.

Real freedom is the deep-seated confidence that God really will provide everything we need. The person who believes this is the freest of all persons on earth, because no matter what situation he finds himself in, he has nothing to fear.

—Jon Bloom

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