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A La Carte (06/09)

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Friday June 9, 2006

Book: Don Whitney has just published a new booklet entitled “Family Worship.” It is endorsed by Al Mohler and Tedd Tripp. “‘Family Worship’ surveys the biblical teaching on family worship, demonstrates how our heroes throughout church history have practiced it, and then gives fathers/husbands the simple, specific, practical how-to’s of family worship.” You can order it here for only a few dollars.

Quote: Darrin Booker has another set of the dying words of believers. “Joseph Alleine – ‘This vile body shall be made like Christ’s glorious body. Oh, what a glorious day will be the day of the resurrection! My life is hid with Christ in God.’”

Justice: A judge in Florida, faced with two bickering lawyers, ordered their disagreement to be settled in a unique way: with a game of rock, paper, scissors. CNN Money reports. “Judge Gregory A. Presnell of Orlando ordered the unusual measure, which he characterized as ‘a new form of alternative dispute resolution,’ after the two Tampa attorneys had proven unable to agree upon where to hold a deposition, even though both of their offices are just four floors away in the very same building in Tampa.”

Awards: Andreas Kostenberger presents the first annual Biblical Foundations Book Awards. Judging by the list, it seems that only books which sold fewer than 1000 copies, and all of them to libraries, were eligible!

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