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A La Carte (10/1)

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Is Public Schooling an Option?Answers magazine asked Al Mohler to answer this question: Should Christian parents send their children to the public schools? He provides a careful and helpful answer that looks to past, present and future.

A Short Life of Jonathan Edwards – This month’s free audiobook from ChristianAudio is George Marsden’s A Short Life of Jonathan Edwards.

The Cosmic Battle – “Cosmic combat occurs most Friday mornings at a coffee shop a few blocks from my home. If you happen to be ordering your mocha latte during this episode of intergalactic warfare, you might not even notice. … At the nexus of the battle, there is only a man of not-quite-average height in one chair, a bubbly brown-haired girl in another, and a Bible and a couple of ceramic mugs on the table between them.”

Art, Nakedness, and Redemption – The Christian Pundit writes about art and nakedness and whether or not we should condone nudity in art (whether on the screen, the page or the canvas). I quite like the argument here.

A Piece of My Heart Today – Raechel Myers shares a difficult but hope-filled article drawn from real life.

Jasmine’s Victory – “God saved her and her baby from abortion using local pro-life workers in Orlando working together as a team with True Life Choice and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”

If I love to be loved more than to love, to be served more than to serve, then I know nothing of Calvary love.

—Amy Carmichael

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