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A La Carte (10/10)

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Precious Puritans – “A fascinating controversy has erupted between the worlds of modern rap music and the early American Puritans, because of a song, ‘Precious Puritans,’ by Christian rapper Propaganda.” This article will bring you up to date.

American Protestant Majority – Russell Moore bids farewell to the American Protestant majority. “According to a new study by the Pew Forum, Protestants are, for the first time in history, not a majority in the United States of America. I don’t think that’s anything for evangelical Protestants, or anyone else, to panic about.”

Eric Lomax – Here is an obituary for Eric Lomax who “long nursed thoughts of revenge on his wartime Japanese captors then, in his dotage, finally had the chance to act when he came face to face with his principal tormentor; his choice of reconciliation over retribution inspired both those who met him and a film now being made starring Colin Firth.”

Alcorn on the Election – I am looking forward to this series which begins to share Randy Alcorn’s thoughts on the 2012 election. “Reluctantly, now that the election is only four weeks away, I’ve decided to give it a try. (I may regret it, and you may too.) This will be part one of several, each on different issues. I’m not sure how many blogs there will be, only that they will mercifully stop before the election.”

Drinking Coffee – Here’s a look at what drinking coffee does to you. Thankfully there’s far more good than bad.

Nourish and Cherish Your Wife – Andy Naselli shares what looks to be a very helpful message from C.J. Mahaney. He also provides a thorough summary if you’d like to skim rather than listen.

Headship is not a ticket to privilege but a charge to responsibility. It is not tyranny, but leadership based on love.

—Erroll Hulse

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