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A La Carte (10/12)

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Thanksgiving is past, which means that the next big date on Canada’s national calendar (apart from Halloween, which for some people is a ridiculously important occasion) is Christmas. And December 25 seems like it’s a long, long way off.

Time With God – The Good Book Company is having a 48-hour sale on Time With God, “A Practical Introduction to Regular Bible Reading.” This devotional book is available for the next 2 days at just $1. Get it while the getting’s good! (If you’re a friend of the blog, here’s a good time to use that Good Book Company gift certificate!).

What Dawkins, Hitchens and Hawking Know About God – “How would you like to peer into the mind of Richard Dawkins, Stephen Hawking, and Christopher Hitchens to see what they really think about God? Romans 1:18-32 lets us do just that. There Paul tells us what every atheist knows about God.”

6 Reasons to Love Church History – Rick Rose: “Christian History is a fascinating, deeply important topic. A friend recently asked me why I love it and so, without further ado, here are 6 reasons…”

Daughters Are a Gift From God – I enjoyed this article from Justin Holcomb. “This post is to tell you about two amazing books every dad of a little girl should have. They aren’t parenting books, but are more focused on the joy of God’s gift of daughters to you and on your role as a father.”

Band of Brothers – Amazon’s Gold Box deal today is a great deal on the DVD or Blu-ray set of HBO’s Band of Brothers.

An Interview with Joni – Christianity Today has a new interview with Joni Eareckson Tada. “Joni Eareckson Tada might be mistaken for a modern-day Job. The disabilities advocate was severely paralyzed in a diving accident at age 17. For the past ten years, she has endured chronic pain. Now, at age 60, she confronts breast cancer. Sounding upbeat and confident after surgery, she spoke with Christianity Today about her latest book, A Place of Healing: Wrestling with the Mysteries of Suffering, Pain, and God’s Sovereignty (David C. Cook), where she outlines her theology of suffering.”

The Last Frontier of Social Media – “In fact, a study published this week by Internet Security Firm AVG states 5% of babies under 2 have social media profiles, 7% have an email address, and 81% of two-year-olds have a digital footprint (to add it to the old school one you made with his or her inky foot).”

How Should Christians Speak to One Another About Giving? – That’s a question Randy Alcorn and Wayne Grudem discuss in this Q&A session.

I have taken my good deeds and bad deeds and thrown them together in a heap and fled from them both to Christ, and in him I have peace.

—David Dickson

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