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In Honor of Calvinists, New and Old

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In the past couple of weeks we’ve seen two new festschrifts (books honoring a respected individual) presented to well-known Reformed leaders–one of them a new Calvinist (perhaps even the new Calvinist) and the other part of the old guard.

For the Fame of God’s Name

For the Fame of Gods NameFor the Fame of God’s Name is a collection of essays in honor of John Piper. The contributions come from a wide number of respected friends and theologians. Here is the table of contents:

A Note to John Piper by Sam Storms and Justin Taylor

Part 1: John Piper

1. A Personal Tribute to the Praise of God’s Infinite Glory and Abounding Grace by David Michael

2. Three Doors Down from a Power Plant by David Livingston

3. Who Is John Piper? by David Mathis

Part 2: Christian Hedonism

4. Christian Hedonism: Piper and Edwards on the Pursuit of Joy in God by Sam Storms

5. When All Hope Has Died: Meditations on Profound Christian Suffering by Mark R. Talbot

Part 3: The Sovereignty of God

6. The Sovereignty of God in the Theology of Jonathan Edwards by Donald J. Westblade

7. Prayer and the Sovereignty of God by Bruce A. Ware

Part 4: The Gospel, the Cross, and the Resurrection of Christ

8. What Is the Gospel?—Revisited by D. A. Carson

9. Christus Victor et Propitiator: The Death of Christ, Substitute and Conqueror by Sinclair B. Ferguson

10. The Role of Resurrection in the Already and Not-Yet Phases of Justification by G. K. Beale

Part 5: The Supremacy of God in All Things

11. A Biblical Theology of the Glory of God by Thomas R. Schreiner

12. The Kingdom of God as the Mission of God by Scott J. Hafemann

13. The Mystery of Marriage by James M. Hamilton Jr.

14. Pleasing God by Our Obedience: A Neglected New Testament Teaching by Wayne Grudem

15. The Glory and Supremacy of Jesus Christ in Ethnic Distinctions and over Ethnic Identities by Thabiti Anyabwile

16. Dethroning Money to Treasure Christ Above All by Randy Alcorn

17. “Abortion Is About God”: Piper’s Passionate, Prophetic Pro-Life Preaching by Justin Taylor

18. A God-Centered Worldview: Recovering the Christian Mind by Rediscovering the Master Narrative of the Bible by R. Albert Mohler Jr.

Part 6: Preaching and Pastoral Ministry

19. Proclaiming the Gospel and the Glory of God: The Legacy of Jonathan Edwards for Preaching by Stephen J. Nichols

20. The Pastor and the Trinity by C.J. Mahaney

21. The Pastor as Worshipper by Ray Ortlund

22. The Pastor as Shepherd by Mark Dever

23. The Pastor as Counselor by David Powlison

24. The Pastor as Leader by John MacArthur

25. The Pastor and His Study by William D. Mounce

Part 7: Ministries

26. The Vision and Ministry of Desiring God by Jon Bloom

27. The Vision and History of The Bethlehem Institute by Tom Steller

And in case you are interested, here’s a video of the presentation of the volume.

The book is available from Westminster Books.

Always Reformed: Essays in Honor of W. Robert Godfrey

Always ReformedThe second festschrift is in honor of W. Robert Godfrey and it, too, collects essays by some notable theologians. The essays are based around three of Dr. Godfrey’s particular theological interests.

Part 1: Historical

1. Christology and Pneumatology: John Calvin, the Theologian of the Holy Spirit by Sinclair B. Ferguson

2. Make War No More? The Rise, Fall, and Resurrection of J. Gresham Machen’s Warrior Children by D. G. Hart

3. God as Absolute and Relative, Necessary, Free, and Contingent: the d Intra-Ad Extra Movement of Seventeenth-Century Reformed Language About God by Richard A. Muller

4. “Magic and Noise:” Reformed Christianity in Sister’s America by R. Scott Clark

5. Karl Barth and Modern Protestantism: The Radical Impulse by Ryan Glomsrud

Part 2: Theological

6. Reformed and Always Reforming by Michael S. Horton

7. Calvin, Kuyper, and “Christian Culture” by David VanDrunen

8. History and Exegesis: The Interpretation of Romans 7:14–25 from Erasmus to Arminius by Joel E. Kim

9. John Updike’s Christian America by John R. Muether

Part 3: Ecclesiastical

10. The Reformation, Luther, and the Modern Struggle for the Gospel by R. C. Sproul

11. The Reformation of the Supper by Kim Riddlebarger

12. Preaching the Doctrine of Regeneration in a Christian Congregation by Hywel R. Jones

13. Integration, Disintegration, and Reintegration: A Preliminary History of the United Reformed Churches in North America by Cornelis P. Venema

14. Epilogue: The Whole Counsel of God: Courageous Calvinism for a New Century by W. Robert Godfrey

It is available through the Westminster Seminary (California) bookstore.

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