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A La Carte (10/19)

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Is anyone else watching playoff baseball using the MLB iPad app? I have to say, it’s pretty disappointing. Boasting that you can choose your camera angle is great, but not when you realize that the camera angles are pretty rough and will never show replays. Boasting that you can watch multiple camera angles at once is fine, but not once you realize that they’ll often be out of sync so that the action happens 5 or 10 seconds apart on each angle. You end up with the broadcast audio played over a bunch of rough, unpolished camera angles. And that’s not quite what they seemed to be promising.

The Trinitarian Theology of Keith Green – Here’s an article from Fred Sanders sharing Keith Green’s love for Trinitarian theology. “Trinitarian theology is a great and lofty thing; it’s for trained theologians to do very serious work with. But it is also something that is near to every Christian, even in their mouths. An ordinary believer who has grasped the main outline of the gospel is probably operating with a functional trinitarian theology that is, in technical terms, not too shabby.”

Discipling Your Wife – Brian Croft provides another great answer to a good question: How do you teach a newly married man to disciple his wife? “We must as pastors get our newly married men in the church to see the spiritual care of their wives as their primary responsibility to establish patterns in their family that will last. So, here are a few things we talked about in our meeting that helped this newly married man know some practical ways how spiritually to care for his wife…”

Multicultural Failure – This is quite an interesting story and may portend a coming European crisis. “Germany’s attempt to create a multi-cultural society has failed completely, Chancellor Angela Merkel said at the weekend, calling on the country’s immigrants to learn German and adopt Christian values.”

The Power of a Portrait – “Photography is a medium that forges a unique connection, a relationship, between the observer and the one photographed, precisely it does not show an abstract idea, or a generalized model, but a real, and unique person, that if you had encountered in real life, would have been exactly the same. It is the same with photographs of babies in the womb, with photographs of babies killed in abortions…”

Crystal Cathedral Bankruptcy – The Crystal Cathedral filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy Monday morning.”In a statement issued Monday, Senior Pastor Sheila Schuller Coleman said the bankruptcy filing was a necessity because a ‘small number of creditors chose to file lawsuits and obtained writ of attachment.’” You can see that small list here, and you can see a bit of explanation here.

Move – There’s a new Third Day album releasing today. Has anyone heard it? Want to offer some early thoughts?

To think is an effort; to think rightly is a great effort; and to think as a Christian ought to think is the greatest effort of a human soul.

—Oswald Chambers

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