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A La Carte (10/22)

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You Might Be a Christian Celebrity If… – This may hurt. “In blogdom, writing, and pastoral ministry in general, there is a temptation to pursue being popular; to pursue being a celebrity. Yet, in order to follow Christ, we must deny ourselves, take up our crosses, and follow Him (Matt. 16:24). This includes denying our desire to be popular, our desire to be celebrities. Are you a celebrity Christian wannabe? You might be one if…”

Prodigal Sons – I always loved the Modern Parables series of short films. Today only you can download Prodigal Sons for free using the code PSJT. Do it. Do it now! (more information)

Murder for Hire – “I’ll be the first to admit it; hit men are shady. But they are shady because they are doing work that no one else wants to do, work that is, in fact, illegal. By labeling contract killing a ‘crime,’ we have obscured the fact that hit men provide a valuable service to society.”

Skull of Homo Erectus – I think it’s important for us to keep being reminded how often the story of evolution changes, and often by millions of years at a time.

For the Overwhelmed – Jen Thorn shares hope for the overwhelmed mom. “How in the world am I going to keep up with deadlines, clean up a home that has TOTALLY exploded over the weekend, homeschool and deal with all the other little things that will fill my day?”

7 Things About Calvin and Hobbes – Here are 7 things you may not know about the always-excellent Calvin and Hobbes.

A Gracious Soul

A gracious soul may look through the darkest cloud and see God smiling on him.

—Thomas Brooks

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