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A La Carte (10/22)

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Should Christians Say Their Aim Is Conversion?
John Piper asks this question–a good and fair question in today’s climate.

Beware Your Seminary Professors
Jonathan Leeman offers some good reasons to have a certain wariness toward seminary professors. “None of the rules for academic engagement are bad, per se. But they become bad in the Christian academy when they’re divorced from pastoral sensibilities. This struck home, to speak frankly, by the utter lack of pastoral carefulness demonstrated by many of the speakers, a carelessness which I’ve witnessed too often in Christian academic circles.”

What if I Can’t Have Children?
This question comes up at the True Woman blog as this month they focus on children. Mindy Kroesche: “I’m not writing this post to tell you how painful infertility can be. You already know that. Instead, I want to share some ways to cope and ways God used this suffering in my life to shape and mold me into the woman He wants me to be.”

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