A More Boring Writer – Matthew Lee Anderson offers nine tips on how to become a more boring writer.
Strange Fire – New Testament scholar Tom Schreiner reviews MacArthur’s Strange Fire (book). “I have traveled a road in which I was a cessationist in my early years as believer. I then became a non-cessationist and taught accordingly for a number of years. Finally, in the mid 1990s I slowly returned to a cessationist position. I am sympathetic, then, to the case MacArthur makes for cessationism.” He offers both commendations and critique.
Perils Facing the Evangelical Church – R.C. Sproul offers his take on the three most critical perils the church faces today.
Family: The Original Small Group – Timothy Paul Jones: “In my research for the book Family Ministry Field Guide, I found that only one-third of churched parents read or discussed Scripture with their children at least once a week. If that’s the predominant pattern, it seems unlikely that the typical teenager in an evangelical church would identify his or her parents first as teachers of God’s Word.”
A Plea to Pastors and Elders – Aimee Byrd: “Pastors, elders, is there something more we could be doing in the church to equip the congregation with discerning reading skills? Good, Christian people are being deceived. Sadly, sometimes it is those in leadership who recommend such books. The so-called Christian author can actually be a potential predator of orthodoxy in the church.”
Christ-Centered Preaching and Teaching – Here is a new, free e-book from The Gospel Project.