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A La Carte (10/4)

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Thanks for all who prayed about my talk at the Eighth Letter Conference. I’ll try to get the audio of that message and post it for you a little later in the week. In general things went well, I thought. It was quite an interesting event and one of the rare ones I get invited to where I feel a little bit like the outsider.

The Reformer – The Christianity Today cover story about Al Mohler is now available online. From a rather negative perspective it tells “How Al Mohler transformed a seminary, helped change a denomination, and challenges a secular culture.”

Between the Boy and the Bridge – And speaking of Dr. Mohler, his article from this morning is well worth reading. He writes about the Rutgers student who commited suicide recently. “By all accounts Tyler Clementi was an 18-year-old young man who was excited to be a freshman in college, gifted as a violinist, and looking forward to the future. All that changed last week when he walked out onto the massive George Washington Bridge that connects New York with New Jersey and jumped 200 feet to his death.”

Children’s Bible Reading Plan – David Murray has put together an interesting reading plan to guide his children in their personal devotions. If you’re currently in the midst of parenting kids, you may want to give it a look.

Desiring God Conference Audio – All of the audio from this weekend’s Desiring God conference is now available for you.

Teaching Biblical Truth to Children – My brother-in-law has been writing about teaching biblical truth to children, writing as one who is right in the midst of it and who is learning as he goes. Here is part 1 and here is part 2.

Octavius Winslow Archive – This page is “The most comprehensive online collection of writings, quotes, and biography of Octavius Winslow” who was one of the foremost evangelical preachers of the 19th century. Every day it offers a new devotional written by Winslow.

My Name is John Daker – A friend reminded me of this video while he was over this weekend. It’s a classic. Watch the first and then watch the annotated, cartoon version. You’ve got to love local television programming.

Let not anyone who thinks that fear of hell should be put out of the mind of unregenerate men ever suppose that he has the slightest understanding of what Jesus came into the world to say and do.

—J. Gresham Machen

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