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A La Carte (11/16)

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7 Misconceptions about Submission – Mary Kassian addresses some of the common misconceptions that arise in the context of submission and biblical womanhood.

Cowper’s Letters – “Reading about his descriptions of his depression produced an effect in me which is difficult to describe. I don’t really have a category for what Cowper endured. I found myself looking for a hidden happy ending, a ray of sunshine amidst the darkness and gloom, or at least some kind of lesson to be learned from it all – some theological brackets which could wrap around his experience and interpret it. Nothing like that emerged.”

Navigating the Holidays – “Hello, my name is Erin, and my parents are divorced. Sometimes, I feel like I’m a member of a club that I can’t get out of, even if I fail to pay my dues. It’s the Adult Child of Divorce Club, and there are times when being a member is no picnic.”

Why Abuse Goes Unreported – It’s a question a lot of people are asking in the light of recent scandal. Why does abuse so often go unreported? “But while child abuse experts say that catching perpetrators in the act is rare, child abuse goes unreported and uninterrupted more often than not. And given the unexpected nature of seeing a man sexually abusing a child, even well-meaning eyewitnesses might freeze up.”

Being Offended For Someone Else – This is a modern-day phenomenon I’ve noticed as well. “I’ve noticed the phenomenon of someone getting personally offended on behalf of someone else, who, in fact, has not been personally offended. A complaint has been filed against Catholic University for being insensitive to Muslims–basically by being a Catholic university–even though no Muslims have complained.”

Easter is to our faith what water is to the ocean, what stone is to the mountain, what blood is to the body.

—Raymond Linquist

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