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A La Carte (11/19)

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Christians and Vampires
Oh boy. “Vamping Up: Christians Bite into Vampire Market” is a headline in Publishers Weekly’s Christians Bookline. Looks like Christians need their vampire fix, too.

Illustration Challenge
Lukas VanDyke, photographer extraordinaire, decided to take on a strange but cool little project. He read through the five most recent posts on my blog and then went out and snapped a photo related to each. You can check out the (pretty amazing) results at the link.

The Kindle in Canada
The Kindle finally comes to Canada. Strangely, though, it’s only for sale from, not

R. Crumb’s “Genesis”
Dr. Mohler writes about R. Crumb’s graphic novel retelling of Genesis. I spotted this in the store recently and was thinking about buying it. As luck would have it, when I flipped it open I was at the story of Lot and his daughters. That one page was enough to convince me that I wasn’t going to let my kids see the book!

Words and the Word of God
Mounce does what he does so well at Koinonia Blog. This week he discusses a little Greek word and asks what it tells us about verbal, plenary inspiration.

Eight Great Date Nights
There are some good ideas in this list. “Tired of the old dinner-and-a-movie routine, but not sure what else to do on your date nights? Try these eight ideas to get your creative juices flowing!”

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