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A La Carte (11/21)

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Capitalism’s Spoiled Children – “The Occupy movement does not represent ‘the 99%,’ as its defenders like to claim. They are not a cadre speaking up for the vast proportion of the population against the tyranny or greed of an imagined ‘1%.’ Judging from the speakers I have seen and heard, either on news broadcasts or the multiple sites offering live-broadcast or YouTube coverage, the people in the various Occupy camps represent a petty sub-sample of the hard left…”

Loving Lewis, Hating Bell – I appreciate Michael Patton asking and answering this question: Why do we love C.S. Lewis but hate Rob Bell?

Internet Busybodies – Timmy Brister: “It seems that in recent years, several groups of people have sought to use the Internet and in particular blogs to ‘expose’ or ‘hold accountable’ Christian leaders. And so often, we are prone to believe what other people say about a brother or sister in Christ, especially if it is critical or some sort of expose.” He looks to the pre-Internet age to find wisdom.

Married to a Non-Christian – Ed Welch offers wisdom for Christians married to non-Christians.

Flights Overhead – This is a geeky but downright amazing Wolfram Alpha trick.

Resume vs Reality – I know you can identify with this:

Resume vs Reality

The resurrection and the judgment will demonstrate before all worlds who won and who lost. We can wait.

—A.W. Tozer

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