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A La Carte (11/24)

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ChristianAudio – ChristianAudio is having their twice-yearly sale where they put pretty much everything on sale at $7.49. You can check my list of Black Friday deals to see which ones will be even cheaper tomorrow.

I Think Before I Tweet – This is a phenomenon I’ve noticed as well: Once you begin to tweet, you start to think like a tweet. Or something like that. “As I go about the day, I find myself thinking of things that I could tweet about. When I see a strange person in line at a store, I think about something clever I could say. When a company offers me poor service, I think about how I could slam them and get something back from it. When I read about major world events, I think up little jokes to make light of them.”

Wives Speak Out – Kathleen Nielson has an interesting article at The Gospel Coalition. She finds “voices from women in Christian marriages aiming by God’s grace for that gospel model of loving headship and respectful submission taught in the Scriptures and acted out by Christ himself. I asked this group of ten women one question: How has your husband encouraged you to grow and use your gifts for the kingdom?”

The Most Amazing Window – This is kind of cool. “The most amazing window ever created by humankind is not on this planet, but floating in space, the most spectacular part of the International Space Station. It’s the ISS Cupola. This animation shows how it was installed.”

Tebow Responds – Love him or hate him, you’ve got to respect the guy for standing firm in the faith.

Brinicle – The BBC has a really interesting video about a “brinicle.”

Our thanks should be as fervent for mercies received as for petitions sought.

—Charles Simmons

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