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A La Carte (1/14)

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Turning It Up to 11 – Here is a good reflection on always looking for those spiritual mountaintop experiences. “Though the Bible is the very history of the ups and downs of God’s people, God’s people go on thinking themselves immune, and that something is terribly wrong if their passion and joy today is not at the same fever pitch it was on the day they came to faith.”

Cleaning Urine and Praising God – I always benefit from reading Greg’s descriptions of life with a severely disabled child. Here he writes about how he just needs to measure progress differently from most parents.

5 Promises for Reading and Prayer – Steve Fuller outlines five promises that pertain to your Bible reading and prayer.

Andy Stanely and Tim Keller – Trevin Wax does some interesting analysis on books by Andy Stanley and Tim Keller to see what they believe about reaching unbelievers through preaching. You don’t have to agree with it all in order to benefit from reading the article.

Don’t Burn Your Books – I’m not sure that I agree with Nicholas Carr here, but I’d like to. “The e-book had its moment, but sales are slowing. Readers still want to turn those crisp, bound pages”

3801 Lancaster3801 Lancaster is a short, powerful documentary you can (and should!) watch for free online. “Through interviews with victims, reporters, neighbors, and footage of Philadelphia District Attorney R. Seth William’s testimony before the Pennsylvania Senate, the film tells the tragic story of Dr. Gosnell, his clinic, the women and children he killed, and the state oversight agencies that turned a blind eye for over twenty years. “

All the heresies which have arisen in the Christian Church have had a decided tendency to dishonor God and to flatter man.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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