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A La Carte (1/16)

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John Stott’s Peace Offering – This is a great little story from the life of John Stott. It begins like this: “‘Fie upon you, IVP.’ I’m still shocked, fifteen years later, that John Stott uttered these words at our office gathering during an event in which we honored him in 1998 for fifty years of publishing with us.”

How Do We Know If God Is Disciplining Us? – D.A. Carson takes on this question: “Of course God is sovereign over all things–but when bad things happen to Christians, should these happenings be seen as God’s discipline, or God’s sovereign use of evil for our good, or results of sin and the Fall, or all of the above?”

What a Pastor’s Wife Tells Her – This is quite an important article, I think. “While pastors and their wives are wrestling with the issue of how much and which confidential information to share with one another, the general public is shocked … shocked to find that we share anything.”

Jonah and Which God? – Jamsco provides rather a humorous and imaginative take on one part of the story of Jonah.

Tell the Truth – Westminster Books has some good sales on right now, including Tell the Truth, a book Mark Dever says may well be the single best book on evangelism he’s read. The new book by Piper is also on sale.

Children Teach Themselves – “With 100 million first-grade-aged children worldwide having no access to schooling, the One Laptop Per Child organization is trying something new in two remote Ethiopian villages—simply dropping off tablet computers with preloaded programs and seeing what happens.” The results are amazing.

Those who teach by their doctrine must teach by their life, or else they pull down with one hand what they build up with the other.

—Matthew Henry

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