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A La Carte (12/1)

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Celebrity Pastors – This article from TGC has some good things to say about celebrityism and celebrity pastors. “But celebrity comes for a variety of reasons. It’s worth differentiating between the kinds of celebrities generally, and between celebrity pastors in particular.”

What the Tolerant Must Tolerate – “To be a serious Christian in modern Western culture is to be the favoured easy target of every progressive thinker and every half-witted comedian. It is to have your sensibilities and your deepest beliefs on perpetual call for taunts, mockery and desecration. At a time when all progressives preach full volume for inclusivity and sensitivity, for the utmost care in speech when speaking of others with differing views or hues, Christians, as Christians, are under a constant hail of abuse and disregard. There is nothing too low or too vulgar.”

Watch the Film, Save a Life – On world AIDS day, Carolyn McCulley asks you to watch a film and save a life.

Six Helps for Sufferers – Ray Ortlund says “Elisabeth Elliot disclosed six ways she has found help in the midst of loss and sorrow.” Naturally, he goes on to share those six ways.

Women and Scripture Reading – In my post from yesterday I mentioned that the Scripture readers in our church are all men (because we regard this as a teaching ministry). Jesse Johnson considers that a little bit.

Character Doesn’t End at the Bedroom Door – Dr. Mohler looks at Herman Cain and says, “We live in a morally confused age, but there is little confusion about the fact that sexual behavior and personal character are inseparable.”

The best morality in the world will not prove a man to be a Christian, but if a man has not morality, it proves that he is not a child of God.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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