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A La Carte (12/10)

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The Year’s Best Music
CT offers a rather bizarre roundup of the year’s best music (99% of which none of us have ever heard of). Like this: “John Darnielle calls himself a ‘Catholic atheist,’ but he knows his Bible, and writes twelve songs based on specific verses here. This album, sparsely acoustic and beautiful, is neither ‘worship’ nor ‘Christian’ music per se, but it feels sacramental, with its intimate production and songs of beauty, depravity, faith, violence, love, hopelessness, hope, life, and death–kind of like, you know, the Bible.” I enjoy CT’s music reviews, but this list is a mess.

An Amazon Factoid
My buddy Jesse shares an Amazon factoid that I found really fascinating. Amazon could sell all of its product at cost and still make money. He explains how.

Deals @ ChristianAudio
If you’re into audio books you’ll want to check out the deals at ChristianAudio. Among the deals they are offering you a $10 gift certificate for every $25 gift certificate you buy for someone else.

Appalachian Conference on Theology
West Virginian’s take note: Randolph Street Baptist Church is hosting Steven Lawson for a conference on theology and the church.

Top 10 Everything
TIME offers up their top 10 of everything from 2009.

A Statement from Ligon Duncan
Ligon Duncan has issued a statement on The Manhattan Declaration. “The issue boils down to a matter of judgment, not a disagreement in principle, between those Council members who signed and didn’t sign. The non-signers believe that the content of the document and the associations of the primary authors imply an ECT-like confusion about the Gospel. The signers believe that the explicit assertions and emphasis of the documents relate only to areas of principled social-ethical agreement between evangelicals and non-evangelicals. Further, they believe that it is important for individuals from the major quadrants of the historic Christian tradition to speak on these pressing matters in solidarity.”

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