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A La Carte (12/14)

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I need help with a strategy here. My children are constantly creating great works of art and giving them to me as gifts. Were I to add them up, their number would be greater than the stars in the sky, I’m sure. What’s a good strategy for dealing with this art? I can’t possibly keep all of it. So which works do I throw away? How badly will this emotionally scar my children? And how much will I regret throwing even those ones away if one of my kids ends up being a great artist some day?

The Four Holy Gospels – Crossway has a preview of The Four Holy Gospels, a unique take on the gospels that will be released next year. I’m not sure that I really get it, but I like it.

Reeder – If you have an iPad, you probably (hopefully) use Reeder to handle your Google Reader account. There’s now a beta of the OS X version of this app. And it’s really good, providing a much better reading experience for Google Reader. It’s Mac-only, of course.

Polemics with James White – Midwest Center for Theological Studies is offering a Polemics course with Dr. James White who will be speaking on New Atheism, Islam, Roman Catholicism, and Mormonism. There is special pricing for those who take the course via the Internet–just $10 for the whole thing.

7 Lessons from Wikileaks – I’m one who believes in the medium as the message (at least to an extent). So think Wikileaks is a big deal in a way that goes beyond just the content of the data that was released. This blogger agrees and pens a good article on some lessons we can learn.

Continuous Imperfect – In this short article Mounce goes from Greek stuff I don’t understand to a valuable lesson that I do understand–no matter your field, you need to regularly return to the basics.

Loving Aslan More Than Jesus – “If after watching The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (which released in US theaters this weekend), you find yourself or your kids feeling drawn to Aslan with alarming emotion, don’t assume it’s just the result of some cinematic spell.”

Best Books of 2010 – The New York Times has a list of their top choices in fiction and non-fiction. I read a lot of books this year, and wouldn’t you know it, I haven’t read a single one of their choices (though 3 of the non-fiction choices are ones I’ve got on my wishlist).

More Best Books – Barnes & Noble has also published a list of the year’s best books and I’ve read 5 or 6 of those ones. I quite agree that all the ones they’ve listed are deserving of the recognition.

The Twelve Doctrines of Christmas – Clever!

You will not get leave to steal quietly to heaven in Christ’s company without a conflict and a cross.

—Samuel Rutherford.

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