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A La Carte (2/1)

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Football Fan for a Day – “Be a fan for one day for a single purpose: People. Football draws people like moths to a porch light, and through football you can connect with people. There isn’t another social or entertainment event during the year that draws people like the Super Bowl. So take advantage of it!”

An Interview with Christa Wells – Christa Wells has a great new EP out and Paul Martin has a really interesting interview with her (and a copy of her CD for you to win).

The Truth at Cost – Truth for Life (Alistair Begg) has announced that most of their books, CDs, DVDs and MP3s have been marked down to cost…forever.

Trusting God – This month’s free audiobook from ChristianAudio is Jerry Bridge’s Trusting God. Go get it!

Reproductive Technologies – This helpful article at The Gospel Coalition discusses what needs to be considered before using any reproductive technologies.

Hell, Hades, Gehenna, Etc – Bill Mounce looks at hell and the difficulties that come in translating it from the Greek.

Revelation & Inspiration – This month’s free book from Logos is B.B. Warfield’s classic Revelation & Inspiration.

Judge Judy – I mentioned Judge Judy the other day; here’s an infographic on how she and her show actually work.

Obedience to legitimate authority is one of the fruits and evidences of Christian sincerity.

—Charles Hodge

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