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A La Carte (2/18)

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Another weekend is upon us, and a long weekend at that. Here in Ontario it wil be Family Day on Monday, a day most of us get off. It’s a new holiday and a made-up one just because someone figured we needed a day off in February. So we’ll take it, I guess.

Modern Analogies – A comic I enjoyed.

Why Bookstores Matter – Dr. Mohler: “Even the best-managed book stores are in trouble. The emergence of Amazon as a vast, online book-selling machine with discounted prices and the sudden popularity of electronic readers and digital books have already changed the book business from top to bottom–and the revolution has hardly started.”

Bush’s Liberal Legacy – Denny Burk points to an interesting article about George W. Bush. “In short, the column argues that liberals were wrong for excoriating President Bush for his desire to see democracy spread in the middle east. In fact, Bush’s ideals seem to be coming to reality.”

One Poodle’s Journey – There’s something strangely gross about this photo essay about one of the dogs that was at the recent Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show.

The Intolerance of Tolerance – D.A. Carson speaks about the incoherence of postmodern tolerance.

Slothful and lazy souls never obtain one view of the glory of Christ.

—John Owen

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