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A La Carte (3/18)

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Yesterday we went to the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum and stood before an Avro Lancaster bomber–one of only 2 in the world that remains operational. It was huge, it was imposing and it was strangely moving. Around 7500 of them were built during the war. 2 remain. It’s a near-priceless bit of history.

Songs & Hymns – My buddy Julian has written a couple of blog posts about music. The first is Why Singing Music from Sovereign Grace Is Better than Singing Hymns and the second is Why Singing Hymns Is Better Than Singing Contemporary Worship Songs.

Martin Bashir – I haven’t been able to listen to it yet, but I’ve heard good things about Paul Edwards’ interview with Martin Bashir.

Nuclear Concerns – CNN has a helpful article, complete with animations, to explain what’s going on with those reactors. While we’re on the subject, don’t start popping potassium iodide.

St. Patrick and Human Trafficking – From Canada’s National Post: “Green beer sales mark the globalized celebration of St. Patrick’s Day and for many who are only Irish once a year little more is thought of. But it may be time for St. Patrick’s Day to become an occasion of global awareness for something more than the taste of Guinness, namely the problem of human trafficking.”

Hell – Randy Alcorn has posted a complete chapter from his book If God Is Good. It teaches about hell in Alcorn’s trademark Q&A style.

Come People of the Risen King – A video from Keith and Kristyn Getty.

Since God has a Son of his own, and such a Son, how wonderful God’s love in adopting us! We needed a Father, but he did not need sons.

—Thomas Watson

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