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A La Carte (3/26)

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Boycott Starbucks – Some Christians are calling for a boycott against Starbucks. Russell Moore looks at the issue. “It’s not that I’m saying a boycott in and of itself is always evil or wrong. It’s just that, in this case (and in many like it) a boycott exposes us to all of our worst tendencies. Christians are tempted, again and again, to fight like the devil to please the Lord.”

The Other 167 Hours – What do pastors do with the other 167 hours of the week? “From counseling to corresponding, premarital sessions to divorce prevention, from house visits to hospital visits, from baptism to burials, the pastor is present in every facet of life from the cradle to the grave. What an honor. What a joy. And what a load to bear.”

Space Infographic – The BBC has an infographic that attempts to show just how giant our solar system is.

TBN in Trouble – A new insider lawsuit against TBN charges that the world’s largest Christian TV channel funds owners’ exorbitant lifestyle. As if that is any surprise.

Hippies Head for the Ark – Here’s a strange article about a strange group of people–New Agers who are convinced that the world is going to end at the end of 2012.

Tebow in Babylon – Quite an interesting article from the NY Times: “The Prophet Jonah was sent to Nineveh. St. Paul was sent to Athens, Macedonia, Rome. And now Tim Tebow has been sent to New York City.”

Grace is as large in renewing us as sin was in defacing.

—Stephen Charnock

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