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A La Carte (4/10)

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Undermining Marriage – “Just because you are hetero-sexual does not mean that you are reflecting God’s plan for marriage. You don’t get a pass just on marriage because you are not Gay. The basis of a marriage reflecting God’s plan is how it reflects the gospel. In other words a marriage is reflective of God’s plan in so far as it reflects the marriage between Jesus the husband and the church the bride.”

Is Our Helping Really Hurting? – I appreciate Mez McConnell’s review of When Helping Hurts since he is exactly the kind of person who would see the utility or futility of short-term missions trips. He considers it a must-read book.

It’s Easier to Criticize – It’s so obvious, but still bears mention: it is so much easier to criticize than to encourage. So we ought to be put extra effort into building up one another.

A Dead Baby – Here is the brutal reality: “Planned Parenthood, which receives more than $500 million in government subsidies, is branching out, expanding its mission beyond the provision of abortions to the defense of consumers’ rights: If you pay for an abortion, you are owed a dead baby.”

Churches and Mental Illness – Ed Stetzer: “Matthew’s life was not a waste and, yes, every day had a purpose. His pain is over now, but perhaps his life and death will remind us all of the reality of mental illness and inspire people of faith to greater awareness and action.”

There is no joy in the world like the joy of bringing one soul to Christ.

—William Barclay

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