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A La Carte (4/15)

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I’m back home after spending the last few days at Together for the Gospel (and/or traveling there and back). As usual I found myself unable to update the site while on the road. At some point I’ll provide a few reflections. But for now, let me post just a few links I collected along the way.

Drew Marshall – Last Saturday I was a guest on the Drew Marshall Show (and, for a time, so was Spencer Burke). I found this a particularly interesting interview since Drew started out quite hostile but, it seemed to me at least, that over the course of the time we spent together, he started to get me a little bit. Just be warned that it’s not always entirely family-friendly since Marshall tries to toe the line of shock jock.

Farewell Emerging Church – Speaking of Spencer Burke, here’s an article from WORLD saying that the Emerging Church is now officially dead.

Jennifer Knapp – I was sorry to read this. I’ve always loved Jennifer Knapp’s music (Kansas would easily make a list of my top-25 Christian albums of all time). After years of denying rumors that she is a lesbian, she has just come out of the closet.

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