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A La Carte (4/29)

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Ringold, GA – My sister and her family live in Ringgold, GA, a town flattened by a tornado. We’re praising God that he saw fit to keep the family and their home safe. The Big Picture has photos of the destruction in other southern towns. The size and scope of this disaster is just shocking to me.

Potential Solutions – Zach offers up some potential solutions to the critiques offered by Carl Trueman related to pastors being celebrities.

$5 Fridays – Ligonier has a few excellent deals in this week’s $5 Friday, including books and teaching series by R.C. Sproul. It’s a good day to stock up on some of these for your church library.

Commentaries for Sale – RHB has the Reformed Expository Commentaries on sale. They are great commentaries for pastors and laypersons alike.

Urban Legends – Trevin Wax offers up a good list of urban legends that preachers (and the rest of us) need to stop stating as truth.

Expository Preaching – The Crossway blog excerpts a list of tips for expository preachers. The list comes from a book written by Alistair Begg.

The Light of the World – How had I never come across this song before?

When we learn to hold the world with a loose grip we are learning to take hold of the world to come with a firm grip.

—Sinclair Ferguson

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