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A La Carte (5/12)

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Be More Decisive – David Murray looks at an interesting report from Science Magazine which shows a link between physical purity and moral purity.

iPad Usability – Usability guru Jakob Nielsen shares his findings on the usability of the iPad. The report is actually very interesting. Here’s the summary: “iPad apps are inconsistent and have low feature discoverability, with frequent user errors due to accidental gestures. An overly strong print metaphor and weird interaction styles cause further usability problems.”

What the Media Missed in the Nashville Flood – “Yes, terrorism is a threat. But nobody died with the bomb that didn’t go off in Times Square. Twenty-three people lost their lives in the flood, and roughly twenty-thousand individuals so far have applied for federal aid to get them back on their feet. And while the oil leak in the gulf allowed cable networks to fill hours of programming by calling upon their usual political guests inside the Beltway to talk about the blessings and curses of drilling offshore, the reality is that the debate over drilling will not end with this spill — or the next.”

The Dangers of Emotional Pornography – The author of this article sounds an important warning to avoid not only the allure of visual pornography, but to avoid the pull of inappropriate emotional content as well.

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