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Problems with Unconditional Forgiveness – “While automatic forgiveness sounds like an antidote to bitterness, this is not the case. Those who try and simply dismiss grave offenses, apart from resting in the justice of God, often encounter emotional and theological problems. Here is an incomplete list of problems that sometimes arise from unconditional forgiveness.”

Nourish and Cherish – Rick Thomas takes a look at Ephesians 5 and what it means for a husband to nourish and cherish his wife.

Don’t Waste Your Vacation – Trevin Wax on a book I enjoyed a lot: “Last week, I interviewed Steve Dewitt about his book Eyes Wide Open: Enjoying God in Everything. With his permission, I am posting a section of his book titled ‘Meeting God at the Edge of Infinity and Why I Like Walking Ocean Beaches.’ Since summer is here and vacation season is upon us, I thought it would be a good reminder for us to see through the beauty of nature to our beautiful Creator.”

Guard Your Purity – I love this: “A key and often overlooked aspect of God’s goodness is that He doesn’t give us commands we cannot fulfill. He doesn’t taunt us with impossible directions or challenge us with tasks beyond our ability. Part of the assumption in each of God’s commands to us is that, through the assistance of His Spirit, we’re able to accomplish what He has commanded us to do.”

Ed Young on Reformed Theology – I presume lots of people will be writing about Ed Young’s ridiculous anti-Calvinistic rant. Denny Burk has a few of the details.

How We Die – This is an interesting chart that compares causes of death today versus causes of death in 1900.

The increase of the kingdom is more to be desired than the growth of a clan.

—C.H. Spurgeon

  • A La Carte Thursday 1

    A La Carte (October 3)

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  • The Victim of a Grave Injustice

    The Victim of a Grave Injustice

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    A La Carte (October 1)

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