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A La Carte (5/20)

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GM2:8 – Living Waters (think Ray Comfort) has released an iPod/iPhone app called GM2:8. It allows you to use a Way of the Master kind of gospel presentation in a whole series of different languages. You can find it free at the app store.

MacArthur and Sproul on Baptism – “Infant baptism or believer’s only baptism? For the past two days on Renewing Your Mind, Drs. R.C. Sproul and John MacArthur have discussed their views on the Biblical meaning and mode of Christian baptism. Dr. MacArthur presents the credo-baptist position and Dr. Sproul presents the historic paedo (infant)-baptist position. Listen in as these two friends discuss a historic doctrinal divide.”

The Glory of Plodding – Also on Ligonier is a good article from Kevin DeYoung on “The Glory of Plodding.” “What we need are fewer revolutionaries and a few more plodding visionaries. That’s my dream for the church — a multitude of faithful, risktaking plodders. The best churches are full of gospel-saturated people holding tenaciously to a vision of godly obedience and God’s glory, and pursuing that godliness and glory with relentless, often unnoticed, plodding consistency.”

Men’s Retreat – In June I’ll be speaking at a weekend-long men’s retreat at Bonnechere Baptist Camp (West of Ottawa, near Algonquin). My topic will be “Living Virtuously in a Digital World.” If that sounds like your thing, registration is open.

Because I’ve Been Forgiven is part one of a powerful video from Peacemaker Ministries.

Because I’ve Been Forgiven: Craig – Part 1 from Peacemaker Ministries on Vimeo.

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