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A La Carte (5/23)

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All the news this weekend was about no news at all. Here are a few of the many, many links that came my way about Harold Camping. Timothy Dalrymple has a letter to Camping and his followers that is worth reading. Be sure to read his addition at the end. The Atlantic follows up with some of his most ardent followers to see how they’ve reacted. Meanwhile, Seth Godin draws a marketing lesson and Denny Burk tells us not to sit in the seat of scoffers.

All of Grace – Monergism Books is giving away the complete text of Charles Spurgeon’s All of Grace in ebook (mobi and epub) formats.

Early Marriage – It is good to read articles like this in the wider culture. “University of Texas sociology professor Mark Regnerus has a few odd things to say about marriage: Do not wait so long; all your ducks do not have to be in a row before marrying.”

Boy Meets Girl – Speaking of marriage, this article from WORLD writes about new realities in dating and courtship. “Christians are not like the world when it comes to dating and courtship. But in-depth interviews reveal a lot of confusion and anxiety among God’s young men and women when it comes to forming relationships and finding a spouse”

Call It What God Calls It – A good word from an ordinary pastor.

The Last Hundred Grown-Ups – Occasionally The Onion nails it. This time they’re saying that America is down to its last 104 grown-ups. “The endangered demographic, which is projected to die out completely by 2060, is reportedly distinguished from other groups by numerous unique traits, including foresight, rationality, understanding of how to obtain and pay for a mortgage, personal responsibility, and the ability to enter a store without immediately purchasing whatever items they see and desire.”

The Royal Wedding – Barry Waugh offers a fascinating play-by-play of the royal wedding, explaining each part of it from a historical context.

Shift Happens – Don’t shoot the messenger for the title. Behind it is an interesting article about Netflix and its new dominance of Internet bandwidth. The Internet is quickly swinging from a word-based to a visual medium.

Christianity is not about how to escape from the difficulties of life, but about how to face them.

—Brian Edwards.

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