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A La Carte (5/26)

A La Carte Collection cover image

Memorial Day 2009 has another one of their great photo essays, this one commemorating Memorial Day 2009.

A Mother’s Heart for Two Brave Children
A year after the tragic death of Maria Chapman, her mother, Mary Beth Chapman, reflects on all that the last year has brought.

Ida: Humankind’s Earliest Ancestor! (Not Really)
TIME Magazine offers some perspective on Ida (though they do so from an evolutionary perspective). “All of which renders the press release touting a ‘revolutionary scientific find that will change everything’ absolutely true — as long as by ‘everything,’ you mean ‘whether the branch of the primate family that includes monkeys, apes and humans comes from the suborder strepsirrhinae or the suborder haplorrhinae,’ according to the PLoS One paper. And by ‘change,’ you mean ‘adds information that may or may not help settle the question, but whose implications won’t be known for a long time in any case.’”

Two Inches of Providence
John Ensor, writing in WORLD, offers a real-life perspective on providence. “Baby Jack, our 3-month-old grandson, was rocking away peacefully when terror struck. Our daughter-in-law thought a tornado was hitting them. What she really heard was a multi-ton, mighty tall oak tree cracking and crashing onto their old, wooden house, directly and immediately above baby Jack.”

Amusing Ourselves to Death
Stuart McMillen has written up a comic of sorts that conveys the introductory chapter to Neil Postman’s Amusing Ourselves to Death (HT).

Humility: The Heart of Righteousness
Doug Groothuis offers a good post on the always-relevant subject of humility.

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