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A La Carte (5/27)

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A Life of Humility
Doug Nichols, founder and international director emeritus of Action International Ministries, shares a great little story from his life (and the life of Francis Schaeffer).

50 Factors Within Nations that Determine Their Wealth or Poverty
This looks like a very interesting series. It was taught by Dr. Wayne Grudem over four weeks at Scottsdale Bible Church. (HT:Boomer)

Spanking Stories
Here’s a post by Douglas Wilson in which he reflects on all the spanking stories he has heard. “Godly discipline, spanking included, is an act of love. Children who are disciplined appropriately know that they are being loved, and they know that the world is a secure place. Boundaries exist, and those boundaries are defended by parents who love the boundaries, just as they love their children.” (Is it just me or does the color scheme of that site do funny things to the eyes?)

Study Scripture at Home with Ligonier Academy
“The Ligonier Academy Certificate tracks in Biblical Studies are structured programs intended to help believers come to a better understanding of the content and message of Scripture. A solid grasp of the content of the Bible is absolutely crucial for our spiritual growth and daily life. Ligonier Academy offers three different Certificates in Biblical Studies…”

NEXT Resources
You can now download the addresses from this year’s NEXT Conference. Speakers include Joshua Harris, Sinclair Ferguson, CJ Mahaney, D.A. Carson and Kevin DeYoung.

Newsflash: Modern Women Are Unhappy
Owen Strachan: “New York Times columnist Ross Douthat has just penned a provocative piece called “Liberated and Unhappy” that briefly analyzes a new study entitled “The Paradox of Declining Female Happiness” by economists Betsey Stevenson and Justin Wolfers.” Owen writes about the study and its implications.

Deal of the Day: Matthias Media
Matthias Media is offering a 33% discount on all of their Guidebooks for Life. There are some great resources there!

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