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A La Carte (5/28)

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I trust that my American readers will enjoy their Memorial Day today (and presumably most of them will enjoy the day by not spending a lot of time online). For the rest of us, here are some links worth checking out:

Six Ways of Minimizing Sin – “I found these six ways of minimizing sin to be very instructive regarding gospel-centered sanctification/mortification of sin. Take a moment and examine your fight against sin, the ways you are prone to minimize sin, and develop an intentional strategy to renounce them.”

Honoring a Sufi Saint – I looked at this photo gallery and realized that it shows why religious experience is not inherently trustworthy. Here are people having genuine religious experience, but in honor of a pagan.

Author vs Author Putdowns – “One man’s Shakespeare is another man’s trash fiction.” Here are some of the most scathing author vs author putdowns of all time. This makes an interesting study in envy…

The Best Funeral Sermon – Paul Levy says, “This sermon should be read by every preacher regardless of what you think of John Stott. Let me give you a quote and his concluding applications.”

In his natural state, every man born into the world is a rank idolater.

—John Wesley

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