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A La Carte (5/28)

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Preaching Curriculum
Biblical Preaching looks to a book called “Explosive Preaching, where the author describes the one-year curriculum he helped to design for a house-church movement in China. The radical design is worth sharing, not only for those who share my fascination with things academic, but for all of us as a good nudge in our level of preparation for preaching.” It’s quite an amazing curriculum.

10 People a Pastor Should Fear
This one should be filed primarily as entertainment, but there is still some good to glean from it.

When Medicine and Faith Collide
Dr. Mohler does here what he does so well–bring Scripture and plain reason to bear on an important cultural issue. “Recent cases involving parents who claim a religious reason to refuse medical treatment for children have cast this issue back into the Public Square — and right into the headlines.”

The Blessing of Unanswered Prayer
“My disappointment and doubt when my prayers are unanswered show what’s in my heart. I think that God should see things my way. I think that he exists to make my path smooth. But where in the Bible am I given such a small view of God–a God whose thoughts are, well, my thoughts (Isa 55:8-9)? Where am I promised that every stone and bump in the road will be levelled before my feet?”

Is Democracy Good for Christianity?
John MacArthur, through an old Q&A session, answers this one. “Having absorbed the world’s values, Christianity in our society is now dying. Subtly but surely worldliness and self-indulgence are eating away the heart of the church. The gospel we proclaim is so convoluted that it offers believing in Christ as nothing more than a means to contentment and prosperity. The offense of the cross (cf. Gal. 5:11) has been systematically removed so that the message might be made more acceptable to unbelievers. The church somehow got the idea it could declare peace with the enemies of God.”

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