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A La Carte (5/3)

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Lloyd-Jones on Prophecy – Martyn Lloyd-Jones is often used as an example of an advocate of continuationist theology, but here is an article that argues against it. “Although charismatics and Pentecostals have both claimed him as an advocate of their views, a careful reading of ML-J establishes that they have misunderstood him.”

A Wife’s Submission Is Not – This is a helpful look at what the Bible does not mean when it instructs a woman to submit to her husband’s leadership.

The Love of the Father – R.W. Glenn pens a poignant look at his own suffering, the suffering of his son, and the love of a father.

Rain for Roots – Here’s an album I’m looking forward to. It combines the music of artists like Sandra McCracken with songs penned by Sally Lloyd-Jones, who wrote The Jesus Storybook Bible. It releases in mid-May.

Pray for Revival – This is good for me to ponder in light of all I’ve been saying about envy: “What if you spent years faithfully and earnestly praying for revival to come to your community, and then one day, seemingly out of the blue, God dramatically answered your prayers?” And what if this happened at someone else’s church?

Space Photo of the Day – Further proof that God is the ultimate artist.

Pray the Scriptures – Scotty Smith has an article in the current edition of Tabletalk that talks about the value and the practice of praying the Scriptures.

God will either give you what you ask, or something far better.

—Robert Murray M’Cheyne

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