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A La Carte (5/5)

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The Slippery Story – It’s been very interesting to see how the story of Bin Laden’s death has changed over the past few days. The Atlantic tries to make some sense of it. I wonder how much of the changes are based on misinformation that came through today’s way-too-fast news cycle.

Victory Over or Struggling With? – That’s an important distinction. “In Evangelical circles, in pastoral care, and in the biblical counseling world, it seems to me that we spend much more time preaching, teaching, and counseling about ‘victory over,’ and much less time journeying with and pondering ‘struggling with,’ ‘fighting with,’ or even ‘victory in.’ Do we perhaps sometimes mistakenly convey the impression that applying biblical principles eliminates the battle, the struggle?”

You Might Be An Idolator If… – Here’s a short list from Stephen Altrogge’s new book.

The Kids With George W. Bush – Denny Burk: “TIME magazine has a fascinating story on the children who were with President Bush on 9-11 when he received the news that America was under attack. They are all very appreciative of his calm response and that he didn’t immediately storm out of the room.”

E-Readers Fail at Education – I’m not too surprised that e-readers aren’t make big inroads into the classroom. It’s the reasons that I find interesting (and understandable).

Ten Years of Innovation – Here’s a good reminder of how much the way we communicate has changed in the just the past 10 years. “As I woke this morning I was struck by that fact. In less than 10 years the world and the technology we use to experience it has changed so completely. On September 11, 2001 there was no iPhone, there was no Twitter, there was no YouTube. But there was a basic human desire to connect, to share experiences and to have our experiences shared and understood by others.”

What are the heavens, the earth, the sea, but a sheet of royal paper, written all over with the wisdom and power of God?

—Thomas Brooks

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