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It’s been a cool and rainy spring–enough so that my son’s baseball season has already been delayed twice. The fields are just too wet to play on. However, we are hoping to finally get the first practice in tomorrow, with a game to follow early next week. It’s back to the diamond at last.

U-S-A – Here is a brief history of the U-S-A! chant that America loves and the rest of the world doesn’t.

High Art – I guess you have to be a bit of a geek to enjoy this one. It talks about the iconic beauty of the Boeing 747 and compares it to the bland nature of the Airbus A380.

Truth in Love – I appreciated Michael Haykin’s reflections in a new article which begins like this: “In one of his books, Francis Schaeffer depicts the two problems that can afflict those desiring to be true to the Christian Faith in days when biblical truth is under attack. On the one hand, some become hard and brittle in their response to errorists and develop low tolerance levels.”

Where Is the Steeple? – Veith shares an article from USA Today about the decline of the steeple (and with it traditional church architecture) and asks a few questions: “Architecture, like other art forms, expresses meaning. Do you know why older churches built steeples? Why they had bells? What does it mean that today’s churches tend to use cheap materials?”

Three Things Obama Got Right – This is an interesting take on President Obama and the aftermath of killing Osama Bin Laden. John Mark Reynolds believes “President Obama made the right call to take out bin Laden, the right call to end torture of prisoners, and was right not to release the bin Laden photograph.”

Twain’s Autobiography – If you’ve got a few minutes to spare, you may enjoy reading this review of Mark Twain’s recently-published autobiography.

A man can no more diminish God’s glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling ‘darkness’ on the wall of his cellC.S. Lewis

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