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A La Carte (6/12)

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Dispatches from the Front – The excellent Dispatches from the Front DVDs are on sale at Westminster Books for just 72 hours. You can get episode 2 for just $5 and the whole series of 5 for $30 (60% off). You ought to buy a set and donate it to your church library.

Raising Gospel-Centered Children – Luma Simms does a really good job of describing what it means to raise your children in a truly gospel-centered way. The second paragraph really lays out the challenge and the ugly alternative.

In Conversation with Geoff Dennis – This is a short, good conversation with Geoff Dennis, COO of Crossway. He explains some of the history and philosophy of that publisher/ministry.

The Apple of God’s Eye – You’ll be encouraged and challenged by Mark Altrogge’s latest article. “What does God most delight in after himself? What brings him more pleasure than all the beauty of the forests and mountains and waterfalls and fields? What does he care about more than all the art in all the museums, All the books that have ever been written, All the technology and accomplishments of mankind?”

Familial Curses – R.C. Sproul Jr. provides a helpful answer to this question: Do familial curses still exist? The answer is quite clear, but there is joy in the journey.

The Meaning of Marriage Study Guide – David Murray has shared an unofficial study guide for Tim Keller’s The Meaning of Marriage. It’s free for the taking.

Boredom and Creativity – I think there’s something to this: creativity requires some measure of boredom. “I have to use all these programs that cut off the internet, force me to be bored, because being bored is an essential part of writing, and the internet has made it very hard to be bored.”

The true gospel is a call to self-denial. It is not a call to self-fulfillment.

—John MacArthur

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