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A La Carte (6/21)

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Why I Love Marilynne Robinson – In The New Yorker, Mark O’Connell writes about his love for Marilynne Robinson’s novels. “When I say that I love Marilynne Robinson’s work, I’m not talking about half of it; I’m talking about every word of it.” (Here’s my review of Gilead)

McDonald’s Photo Shoot – Why does the picture of a Big Mac always look so much better than the Big Mac you get from the store? This short video explains it all.

The Curse of Motivational Speaking – Conrad Mbewe, speaking of an occasional visitor to his church, says, “On this visit, he asked that I help him to overcome a failure in his life, and it was a failure to progress. He said that his greatest problem is that he does not believe in himself. Could I help him believe in himself so that he could become successful?”

Data Per Minute – This infographic shows just how much data we are creating every minute of every day. Example: in one minute there are 2,000,000 Google searches, 48 hours worth of YouTube uploads, and 204,000,000 email sent.

Bible Memorization – Here is a veritable smorgasbord of tips about how to memorize Scripture, whether long or short passages.

West Coast Conference – “On June 8–9, more than 3,000 saints gathered in Seattle to stand firm for the central doctrines of the Christian faith. Drs. Steven Lawson, John MacArthur, and R.C. Sproul boldly proclaimed the authority of the Bible, the Trinity, the resurrection of Jesus, the exclusivity of Christ, justification by faith alone, the mortification of sin, and the existence of God.” The messages are now available online.

I tell you our strength, whenever we have any, is our greatest weakness, and our fancied wisdom is our real folly.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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