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A La Carte (6/22)

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Chinese Calvinism
The Guardian has a rather strange article about the growing popularity of Calvinism in China. “Although Calvinism is shrinking in western Europe and North America, it is experiencing an extraordinary success in China. I spent some time on Monday talking to the Rev May Tan, from Singapore, where the overseas Chinese community has close links with mainland China. The story she told of the spread of Calvinist religion as an elite religion in China was quite extraordinary. There may be some parallels with the growth of Calvinism in South Korea, where the biggest presbyterian churches in the world are to be found, but it’s absolutely unlike the pattern in Africa and Latin America. There, the fastest growing forms of Christianity are pentecostal, and they are spreading among the poor. “

Losing the Millennial Generation
This is a short but good article from True Woman. “Really, should it surprise us that we are losing our teens when we’ve spent so many hours away from them through the week? Has church robbed us, many times, from family meal-times, family devotion-times, family game nights, or family camping trips? Is this what the church should be doing?”

Some Benefits of Life Without Television
Jim and Amy Spiegel reflect on life without television and offer a list of five benefits they’ve experienced by not having TV in their home.

My Dad
This is a great Father’s Day reflection from pastor Ken Davis: “The father of the author of these devotionals was born in Clown’s Cove, Freshwater, Carbonear, Newfoundland. His parents had been brought to faith in Jesus in a ripple effect of the Welsh revival of 1904. The village of Freshwater was a fishing community of Welsh immigrants and when the revival hit in Wales, a preacher from there came to the village to preach the Gospel. I am a third generation spiritual descendant of the Welsh revival and all four of my children are the fourth. Some have said that revival didn’t produce any long term effects. My family is living proof that that is not true.”

Give Bankruptcy a Chance
From David Skeel: “What if regulators hadn’t bailed out Bear Stearns? If we conduct this simple thought experiment, it raises serious questions about both the conventional wisdom and the Obama administration’s new proposals for regulating investment banks and bank and insurance holding companies. Bankruptcy starts to look much better, although it could use several market-correcting tweaks.”

Deal of the Day: What Would Jesus Say About Your Church?
At Monergism Books you can get 50% off the retail price of What Would Jesus Say About Your Church by Richard Mayhue. Registered customers enter the code yourchurch during check out in the coupon box and your book will automatically be 50% off retail at checkout. One per customer. Offer ends Wednesday June 24th or while supplies last.

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