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A La Carte (6/4)

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Everything D.A.C.
Andy Naselli has compiled an impressive list of, well, pretty much D.A. Carson has ever done. He lists all the books, articles, reviews, lyrics and edited series with which Carson has been involved. You’ll see (as I did) that Carson does more in a week than most of us do in a decade.

How I Got Comfortable Shouting To God
Mark Altrogge explains how he got comfortable overcoming his embarrassment at shouting worship to God. “I read about a man who conquered his self-consciousness by going out in the woods and shouting praises to the Lord. So I decided to try this. I lived on a farm at the time, so I tramped across a cow pasture to a stand of woods where I knew no one would hear me.”

How I Write a Book Review
Leslie, a reviewer for Discerning Reader, shares how she goes about writing a book review.

She Is Telling You Thank You
There have been a few times that I’ve linked to Ali’s blog as she works on hospital ships in Africa. After a sabbatical at home (during which she got married) she is back at it. This is a good time to start keeping tabs on her blog.

Toronto Pastors Conference Audio
The Toronto Pastors Conference has wrapped up. The audio, featuring Mark Dever and Matt Schmucker, is now available online.

Harvard’s Twitter Study
Two interesting facts about Twitter that arose from an extensive Harvard study: the top 10% of users account for 90% of all production and among average Twitter users, the median number of lifetime tweets per user is one.

Deal of the Day: Thabiti’s New Book
RHB is offering a 50% pre-publication discount on Thabiti Anyabwile’s new book May We Meet in the Heavenly World: The Piety of Lemuel Haynes.

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