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A La Carte (7/25)

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Amazon – Speaking of Kindle, here are some interesting, random facts about Amazon.

A Soldier’s Letter – You have probably read this letter before, but it’s definitely worth reading again. “It shows a man highly devoted to his different and sometimes conflicting vocations as husband, father, soldier, citizen, and Christian.”

Too Young to WedNational Geographic writes about child brides. “Because the wedding was illegal and a secret, except to the invited guests, and because marriage rites in Rajasthan are often conducted late at night, it was well into the afternoon before the three girl brides in this dry farm settlement in the north of India began to prepare themselves for their sacred vows.”

A Historic Moment – Here is video of John MacArthur finishing up preaching the entire New Testament. The clapping is a little bit awkward, but how else do you express joy and gratitude at such an occasion? It is quite an accomplishment.

Letters to the Suffering – “Pastors, Here’s a Scenario. You’re a pastor and ‘the call’ comes. One of your families have welcomed a child into the world – and that child is significantly disabled. They are crushed. What do you do?”

Clarence’s Speech – Impressionist Jim Meskimen does Clarence’s speech from Richard III. Shakespeare in Arnold’s voice is too good to be true.

We fear men so much, because we fear God so little. One fear cures another. When man’s terror scares you, turn your thoughts to the wrath of God.

—William Gurnall

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