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A La Carte (7/25)

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Friday July 25, 2008

Todd Bentley
An article at Baptist Press has some good background information about “revivalist” Todd Bentley.

Breaking Porn Addiction
David Powlison, writing at the CCEF site, has a very good article about overcoming addiction to pornography.

Media Donations
Here’s something to keep in mind while watching media coverage of politics.

What Did Calvary Look Like?
Justin Taylor interviews Leen Ritmeyer who was consulted during the creation of the ESV Study Bible. He is considered “the world’s leading authority on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount.”

Al Gore’s Doomsday Clock
A writer for WSJ says, “A more interesting question is why Mr. Gore remains believable. Perhaps people think that facts ought not to count against a man whose task is to raise our sights, or play Cassandra to unbelieving mortals.”

Teen Pregnancy
Dr. Mohler writes about the glamorizing of teen pregnancy.

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