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A La Carte (7/4)

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Friday July 4, 2008

On Reading the Psalms
Julian is beginning what looks to be a good series on reading the Psalms. He begins with “a few things that I find helpful on a very basic level with regard to reading the Psalms as a Christan.”

Where the [Heck] is Matt?
Ignore the title and enjoy this, the Internet’s most recent viral video.

Essential Reading
“Doctrine Matters” has a useful list of essential reading for kids of various ages. Some of it may be a tad ambitious, but on the whole it is a very solid list.

Returning the Order of Canada
Canada has seen fit to give the Order of Canada to Dr. Henry Morgentaler, a man who has been the chief champion of allowing and celebrating abortion in Canada. I was glad to read this story: “A B.C. priest who worked extensively with troubled teenagers in Saskatchewan is returning his Order of Canada after learning that abortion crusader Dr. Henry Morgentaler has been awarded the same honour.”

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