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A La Carte (8/11)

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Perinatal Hospice
What an amazing idea! (And what a great alternative to abortion) “Perinatal hospice honors life. The woman carrying the disabled child receives extensive counseling and birth preparation involving the combined efforts of MFM specialists, OB/GYN doctors, neonatologists, anesthesia services, chaplains, pastors, social workers, labor and delivery nurses, and neonatal nurses. She carries the pregnancy to its natural conclusion.”

Learn to Put up With a Few Things
Here is some good advice from Mary Kassian’s mom as she looks forward to celebrating her 60th(!) wedding anniversary. “If you’re going to be married for 60 years, you have to learn to put up with a few things!”

Happier Talking Online
This article ought to concern parents of the MySpace generation. “Young people are taking refuge from reality in cyberspace, with more than a third feeling better able to talk about themselves online, new research indicates. A survey of British MySpace users aged 14 to 21 found that 36 per cent found it easier to talk about themselves online than in the real world and thought their online friends knew more about them than their off-line ones.”

How Fail Went From Verb to Interjection
The NY Times, in a pop culture primer, tells how the word “Fail!” went from being a verb to being an interjection as in “A conservative blog posts an image of a United States-Russian diplomatic agreement with the president’s name spelled ‘Barak Obama’ and calls it “White House Spellcheck FAIL.”

Fetus Models
Take a look at the photos of this new technology which allows the “printing” of 3-dimensional models of a fetus.

America’s Credit Card Mess
I’m mostly linking to this article because of the final paragraph which gave me a chuckle: “During the Roman Empire, the first anti-usury law–and I think this says it all–was found in the Council of Nicea in the 4th century. It states that no clergyman could practice usury, so you can get a pretty good idea of what was going on then–lending to the flock. The odd part is, the Council of Nicea was also the council that confirmed the concept of the Trinity. Those are probably two of the most unlikely pieces of legislation you could find in the same piece of canon law.”

Deal of the Day: Vision Video
Vision Video is clearing out some DVDs and there are a few good deals to be had.

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