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A La Carte (8/16)

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Christward Collective – Here’s a new collaborative blog from ACE that looks like it will be worth making a regular stop. “The Christward Collective is an attempt to help introduce the reader to various aspects of theology, together with the experiential benefits that ought to flow from them.”

9Marks Books – Westminster Books has the 9Marks collection on sale–14 books at 55% off. These are books I always stock up on and give away freely.

Why You Can Trust Your Bible – Justin Holcomb: “Critics who doubt the reliability and trustworthiness of the biblical accounts of Jesus’ life have issued a make-or-break challenge to the church. They ask us: ‘How can we be sure the Bible can be trusted as accurate?’ It’s common to see the argument that the Scriptures we have today aren’t the same as what was written by the apostles in the first century. Such arguments attempt to portray the Bible as unreliable and therefore irrelevant. As we will see, however, these challenges do not stand up to scrutiny.”

What the Internet Knows – How much does the Internet know about you? This infographic breaks it down.

10 Things, 26 Years – Ed Stetzer just celebrated his 26th anniversary and on the occasion he writes up a list of 10 things he has learned about marriage.

Why Disciple in Groups – “More books and conferences under the banner of disciple-making are available now than ever before. As a result, believers are contemplating the implications of the Great Commission for their lives. With a better understanding of discipleship come questions of how to replicate the process. One important facet is how many people should be discipled together. The size of your discipleship group should be considered before approaching potential group members.”

Quick to Listen to Whom? – “Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry (James 1:19). The common application is that when you are in a tense relationship, listen before you speak, and be sure to keep any frustrations on simmer, not high boil. This is a wise saying, but it is not James’ saying.”

Serve God with integrity, and if you achieve no success, at least no sin will lie upon your conscience.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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